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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Parent Projects

Parent Projects is an online community and digital marketplace dedicated to providing relevant and verified information, tools, and resources that guide and support families, friends, and professional advocates of the aged through the downsizing process.

How did Parent Projects Start?

The company was originally formed as a Senior Move Management company ( in 2016 providing 3rd-party project management to downsizing families in the East Valley. We got frustrated with the negative impact of poor family communication and the lack of professional networks for age-friendly businesses.


“Doing good” was never so hard and after a few key conversations with industry experts, we saw that our backgrounds and skillsets had a lot to offer others going through a “Parent Project” if we developed a safe web platform and digital marketplace.

What makes Parent Projects relevant today?

Family caregiving affects an increasing number of Americans every day, in all walks of life. At least 17.7 million individuals in the United States are family caregivers to one or more of the 48 million friends and family aged 65 or older who need help because of a limitation in their physical, mental, or cognitive functioning.

While humans have historically depended on family to provide the lion's share of long-term care support for our elders, we have recently become mostly dependent on government entitlement programs like the VA, Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid to shelter that load. Some key non-profit organizations are trying to step up their games but struggle to build out programs to scale because they too heavily rely on the government for funding in a time of economic contraction. Not only have our governmental and NGO programs struggled to keep pace with our expectations, but they also leave many aged, loved ones vulnerable to fraud and abuse because many think someone else is taking care of the problem.  We face a very real crisis of an aging Baby Boomer generation entering those systems in overwhelming numbers which can best be described as a Silver Tsunami. In fact, that population of 48 million is expected to reach nearly 90 million in just the next 7 years, crashing the already stressed VA, Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid entitlement patchwork.* 

The need to recognize and support family caregivers is beginning to gain traction among most industry sectors, but to date, most business models have focused on how to increase sales and facetime with stakeholders who are already bogged down in life…like Maria Marquez who is a local working mother in her early 50’s balancing an increasing demand to help her Parents downsize while already balancing a busy life with high school activities, college visits, and business meetings.

Parent Projects Connect™ is a safe online project coordination platform to help families clarify what tasks need to be a part of their project. It simplifies family and stakeholder communication in a secure no-pressure environment, and it guides families to “verified” age-friendly businesses that are re-commit annually to orient their business toward serving the unique needs of aging families.

*National Library of Medicine. (2016, November). Families Caring for an Aging America.

Is Parent Projects a moving company?

No.  While PArent Projects started by providing move management services to clients in the Phoenix-Metro area, today we have evolved our business model to enable family, friends, and professional advocates to accomplish their own move.  

Because moving later in life is different for older age groups, it almost always means downsizing and may involve multiple agencies, suppliers, estate agents, and vendors.  It often involves family members who are acting as support but are unable because of time or distance to do the work themselves.

We help you put all those pieces together, which may involve a moving company, a senior moves manager, an estate sale company, and the right real estate agent if there is a need to sell the property.

What is Senior Move Management?

Senior Move Management is the profession that assists older adults and their families with the emotional and physical aspects of relocation and/or "aging in place."

Why was Parent Projects Created?

Specifically, there were three addressable problems that were putting a strain on downsizing families who were geographically separated, and in a  matter of 18-20 months, we knew that technology was going to be the next step.

(1)Emotions. Communication within families was overly complicated by dynamic emotions. Stakeholders experience such different feelings about a project which can change daily and open the door to assumptions (a dangerous and expensive practice in downsizing). We saw that other industries used apps to improve communication and increase visibility. Learning from others, we re-connect and empower families instead of doing everything for them a key to dignity and reducing costs;

(2)Where to start? No, really. Where to start a Parent Project is often so overwhelming that families choose to set-aside action until it is too late. Once we improved communication and visibility, we can introduce relevant expertise in move management and nurture a clear way ahead for the families at an affordable cost.

(3)Building a Village. Most families don’t have all the expertise, availability, or energy to do everything on their own and they will need some professional help. Our  business communities were actively looking for ways to stay informed on age-friendly business practices but needed a way to highlight their value without selling.

What type of backgrounds to Senior Move Managers have?

Senior Move Management professionals — Senior Move Managers® — have backgrounds in gerontology, social work, health care, nursing and psychology, others come to this industry from the corporate world of project management, technology, accounting or marketing. Senior Move Managers® require a profound commitment to connecting with older adults and a desire to perform meaningful work.

What are the real benefits of using a Senior Move Manager®?

Significant expertise in resources and approaches that save money, reduce stress and produce quality results for the move process as it applies to Seniors.  Customized Moving plans deliver peace of mind.  NASMM members are reviewed for insurance and experience requirements prior to acceptance.

Are you a member of the National Association of Senior Move Managers® (NASMM)?

Yes.  We have been a proud NASMM Member since opening our doors in March 2016.  Today we are a proud Local Connect Member of NASMM.

Can my parents downsize and still live in the same house?

Yes.  In fact as many as 80% of American's report wanting to stay in their existing home as long as possible.  This is why we have developed "Senior Safe Assessments" and Contractor Management services to help families improve the safety of the family home.

I am interested in obtaining some help with my mom's move, but can we do some of the work ourselves to save money?

Yes, Parent Projects can help you decide which services would work best for your budget. The ultimate goal of our company is to ease the stress of the move process for aging families, not add to your concerns.

What is your long-term goal?

Become the #1 trusted household name for communication with, and resources to aging families.

Who makes up the team behind it?

Families. Today, we are wholly owned by Family Media and Technology Group which is a collection of families and employees who are committed to improving the way families connect in an increasingly digital era.  When we started the company, we set aside a significant amount of the company for employee stock so that we continue to grow as a village of families connected to a purpose.

What are you currently working on?

Connect™ is our newest online communication platform designed for downsizing families. It was designed to help caregivers access expensive expert knowledge clarifying what tasks need to be a part of their project. It simplifies family and stakeholder communication in a secure no-sales pressure environment, and it guides families to “verified” age-friendly businesses that re-commit annually to orient their local businesses toward serving the unique needs of aging families.

What are plans for Parent Projects outside Arizona?

Our proprietary platform (Parent Projects Connect™) is now functional and available for preview to families in the Phoenix East Valley through 2022-23 holiday season.

We are currently accepting requests to use the platform at and expect to open the platform to approximately 145 families every week through January 2023.

By Valentines Day we will open the platform to the entire Phoenix-Metro market and look forward to a national launch in Summer 2023 accompanied by Web3 mobile/wearables app support for iOS, Google, and Meta-Quest.

“If you’ve seen one parent project, you’ve seen one parent project.”